SAP Program RFFMS200_TRACE - Trace for Payment Selection Analysis

Trace for Analyzing the Payment Selection

With this check program you can analyze a complete clearing lot withouthaving to debug the program Payment Selection orhaving to search for the relevant information in the system.

In order to analyze a clearing lot, proceed as follows:
Select Activate Trace and then choose Execute
You reach the screen on which you can choose the internal tables andprocessing events which are relevant for the analysis.
Start the payment selection for the clearing lot to be examined.
You can examine several clearing lots with this check program. In orderto simplify the analysis however, it is advisable to examine only oneclearing lot at a time. This has the following prerequisites:
Parallel processing is not active; only one process was defined
The selection is limited to one invoice; enter a company code, a fiscalyear and document number for this.
If the selection is only limited to FM area or entry date, you usuallyreceive several clearing lots.
Select Evaluate Trace and then choose Execute
You reach the screen on which you can choose the internal tablesrelevant for your analysis. The program issues a list of contents of theselected tables from the specifications of the processing events inwhich these contents occur or were changed.