SAP Program RFFMRP83 - Reconstruct Actual Data for Project Cash Mangement from Purc.Orders

You use program RFFMRP83 to reconstruct the actual data in Project CashManagement on the basis of the Materials Management documents (purchaseorders) and then reconstructs it.
Maintain the program parameters as follows:
FM area
Take over commitment item from G/L account: the commitment item in thepurchasing item (EKPO) is overwritten with the commitment item from theG/L account.

We recommend that you do this if the actual data in Project CashManagement was wrongly maintained (for example, if the wrong financialtransaction is entered in the commitment item) and needs to becorrected.
As a basic rule, you should reconstruct the actual data inbackground processing.

Organizational requirements for actual data reconstruction:

  • Back up your data.

  • Ensure that no other activities will be carried out in the system
  • during the actual data reconstruction. To do this, block your companycodes against further postings by closing the relevant periods. Formore information, read "Open and closeposting periods".

    List of documents not to be processed (error in commitment item). Thelist shows the company code, fiscal year, and FI document number.

316761Error messages from inactive Funds Management
408681Follow-up posting: Long text FI057 no info on source documnt