SAP Program RFFMRP07 - Rebuild FM Interface of Sales Orders

This program posts selected sales orders and rebuilds the related FundsManagement (FM) open item data.

The company code of the sales organizations involved must have FM activeand an FM area assigned.


  • Back up your data

  • Ensure that no sales orders are processed during posting.
  • Selection
    In the selection screen, in addition to the company code and salesdocument entries, you can choose either, but not both, of the following:

    • Check and display the existence of a subsequent FM posting of a sales
    • order
      • Delete the old FM data of the orders in question

      • Check the 'Dialog' box, if you want to see the selected sales documentsbefore posting to FM. Further selection is then possible.
        Check the 'Derive new account assignment' box, if you want to have newaccount assignment derived and saved in the sales order.

429225Migration FI-FM to SAP R/3 Enterprise Public Services 1.10
989274FMIOI entry incorrect w.due date change after CF & RevCF
549204Correction for RFFMRP07