Purpose Reconciliation of earmarked funds totals records of KBLP, KBLESUM Prerequisites Totals records are now updated in a separate table totals table KBLE > (KBLESUM) now that earmarked funds have been redesigned. The reconciliation program supports this function by correctingincorrect totals records as well as reconstructing missing data.Features The reconciliation program calculates the totals records of earmarkedfunds from the current entries of tables Line Item Development:Manual Document Entry> (KBLE) and Item Development Amounts inDifferent Currencies> (KBLEW). This updates the result in thetotals table KBLE >(KBLESUM). The new fields are also calculatedfrom table Line Item: Manual Document Entry> (KBLP) and areupdated in the corresponding fields of table KBLP.Selection You can restrict the selection of data by restricting the values, suchas document number, line item, document type, and so on. You can also use the following parameters to control the reconciliationprogram;
- Test Run:>
In the test run, the data is only selected and analyzed. Areconciliation of the database does not take place.
- Detailed Log:>
All the data corresponding to the selection criteria is displayed in theALV list.