SAP Program RFFMRC12 - Test FMIFIHD against FMIFIIT

Reconciling document line items and document headers

You can use this program to reconcile document line items and documentheaders in Funds Management.
The program determines whether document line items exist in the systemfor each document header and vice versa, whether for all document lineitems, document headers also exist.

You cannot recreate existing document headers and delete superfluousdocument headers.
However, note that after deleting superfluous document headers,document line items in the individual items in Funds Management couldbe missing and the information regarding which financial accountingdocument was affected will is go missing.

If you find document headers without document line items in yoursystem, you should post them subsequently with programDocument transfer from financial accounting(RFFMRPFI).
You can determine the key of the corresponding financial accountingdocument using the fields of the table FI Header Table FundsManagement (FMIFIHD) REFBN, REFBK, REFGJ and then make a selectionin the table Document Header for Accounting (BKPF) or using thefields AWTYP, AWREF, AWORG, AWSYS of table FMIFIHD and then make aselection in table BKPF. Note that the selection must be made accordingto field AWKEY made up of the fields AWORG und AWTYP.

101778Conversion of FM data structures as of Version 4.5A
582736Negative posting: Document headers without lines
176578Documents without headers in FM