SAP Program RFFMRC01_FICA - Comparison of Funds Management - FI for FI-CA Documents

You can use this report to compare the data created and transferred inContract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA) between FinancialAccounting and Funds Management (FM). The result is stored and you candisplay it as often as necessary.

You must always start the report in the FI-CA system. Even for adistributed environment, the prerequisite for this is the update of FIand FM data in the FI-CA system.

You can restrict the selection using the general selection parameters.However, for technical reasons, always make sure that a completereconciliation key is selected. This is also the case if, for example,only one FI document is entered for reconciliation but thereconciliation key contains several FI documents.
Using the FM-specific and the FI-specific selection parameters, you canrestrict the data selected on a module basis. For example, if the fundsitem is set here, the FM data selected is restricted to this funds itembut there is no effect on the selection of the FI data. Using theseselection options is useful if exactly one funds item is assigned to aG/L account. In this case you must enter the G/L account and the fundsitem. Generally, it does not make sense to restrict only one of thefields.
The field Transaction Currency Amount hides reconciliation errorsthat are below the amount entered. This can be useful, for example, ifyou use multiple level tax codes, since here rounding errors can occurwhen you transfer data.
The field Only Display Errors enables you to reduce the output toerrors only. Correct documents are no longer displayed.
The field Display Existing Result enables you to display themixed results of the last program runs. The results are mixed for eachreconciliation key. If a reconciliation key is compared, the result iswritten to the database. Any existing result for this reconciliation keyis overwritten.

The output is an ALV list that displays the result by document. Bydouble-clicking on a line item or selecting @10@ you can display thecorresponding FI document with FM data. For more documentation aboutthis display, see the corresponding output screen.
Note that the report compares the expense and revenue items from FI(that is, all G/L account items with financial transaction 30 but notthe FI-CA clearing account) with Funds Management.