SAP Program RFFMPLAN_PS - Derive Financial Budget from PS Payment Schedule

Transfer plan data from Project System payment planning to Cash BudgetManagement.

The plan data stored in the WBS element/commitment item combination aretransferred to financial planning and accumulated to the commitmentitems there.

The program presupposes that the FM area assigned to the company codehas the same periods as the controlling area.
You must specify the company code, the year for the transfer, and theversion of the financial budget in the assigned FM area.

Entering a scaling factor other than 100 increases or decreases theamounts transferred.
If the target plan version already contains data, you can decidewhether the new data should be added to the existing data or simplyoverwrite it.
Finally, you have the option of restricting the transfer to selectedWBS elements, commitment items, and transaction currencies.

Short log showing the number of entries changed.