SAP Program RFFMPLAN_CUM - Copy/Accumulate Financial Budget

This program is a general tool for copying, combining, and revaluingdifferent financial budgets.

You must enter the FM area, along with source and target versions andfiscal years for each of these.

A scaling factor other than 100 includes or decreases the amountscopied.
If the target plan version already contains data, you can stipulatewhether the new data should be added to the existing data or shouldoverwrite it.
You can restrict the proces to selected items and transactioncurrencies.

Short log, showing the number of entries changed.

You can copy a financial budget from the previous year to the currentyear, increasing it by 10% (scaling: 110%).
You can combine a number of financial plan versions into one plan. Thisis a good idea, for example, if you want to create plans at companycode level (choose a separate plan version for each company code) andattach these company codes to the same FM area.

391380Financial budgeting per company code or business area