SAP Program RFFMPENT_ALV - Penalty Reason Codes Report in ALV

Assign Penalty Reason Codes

This program allows you to assign penalty reason codes in the followingcases:

  • The (cleared or uncleared) vendor invoice is subject to the Prompt
  • Payment Act.
    • You want to change an existing penalty reason code.

    • You want to change the reason code value for a particular vendor
    • invoice line item. The reason code can only be assigned at the headerlevel at the time of invoice creation.

      The penalty reason codes must already exist in the system. You cancreate these reason codes in Customizing for Public SectorManagement. Choose Functions for US Federal Government -> PromptPayment Act -> Create Penalty Reason Code.


      The program selects documents that are subject to the Prompt PaymentAct and have been cleared too late - that is, documents with penaltyinterest.
      If you want to create penalty reason codes in the document,select documents without reason codes.
      If you want to change the penalty reason codes in the document,select documents with reason codes.
      Enter a default value from the list available in the list box of 'Newpenalty reason code' to populate all records with reason code value.

      The program generates a list where you can assign the penalty reasoncodes. After you have entered the required assignment and selectedSave , the program writes the values for the reason codes intothe documents.
      It is possible to delete penalty reason codes that have already beensaved in a document.
      To obtain a list of penalty reason codes assigned to documents, startthe report Statistics of Penalties/Discounts.