SAP Program RFFMPDOC - Create FM Payment Directive

Some public organizations require an intermediate payment document thatserves as a link between the invoice and the actual payment. Thisdocument, called a payment directive, references a particular invoiceand includes all the relevant information for the payment to be made.The transaction is intended to create and post such a payment directive.

The customizing of the functionality must have been maintained in theIMG activity Payment Directives.

You select the posted invoices which - as specified in Customizing -must be followed by a payment directive. You can also use this programto post a payment directive.
Only posted payment directives with referenced invoices are selected.These must have been posted for a vendor having areconciliation account witha commitment item and that usesfinancial transaction "60".This posting must be to an expenditure General Ledger account having acommitment item with financial transaction "30".
The current functionality does not clear the documents in the vendor'sor customer's account. This means that when the partial or complete openamout of an invoice is posted in a payment directive referred to theinvoice, no clearing takes place. For correct clearing, you must use thereport SAPF124.

The selection screen contains two sections:

  • In the upper section, you enter selection criteria for the documents for
  • which you want to post a payment directive.
    • In the lower section, you specify the data to be used in the posting of
    • the payment directive. In the default, the document type proposed is theone you last entered in the transaction.

      The output of the transaction is a message informing you of the numberof the last document posted by this transaction.
      After executing the transaction, the second screen contains all thedocuments for which you want to post a payment directive. You cannavigate to an individual reference document by clicking on a line item.
      The list output is not in SAP List Viewer format.

      Fill in the selection screen.
      In the next screen, enter the amount to be posted in the paymentdirective.
      Click on the Save button in order to post the payment directive.

      Further Hints
      The field document type uses the SET/GET parameter ID "DPD", which youcan set in your user profile if you use the same document typerepeatedly to post payment directives.