Title Transfer Budget between Budget Types Purpose You use this program to calculate and transfer budget automatically fromone budget type to another. The calculation of the budget to betransferred is based on key figures>. The programgenerates budget entry documents. You can use this program, for example, if you are using differentavailability control filter settings forbudget types >, in order to restrict the budget values that are taken into accountas consumable budget in availability control. In order to release>budget automatically (at the beginning of a new quarter, for instance)you can use this program by transferring budget from a budget type thatis filtered out by availability control to a budget type that is takeninto account in availability control. You can use this program in the context of theMulti-year budget execution> if you want totransfer or reassign budget between funds. For this, select a key figurewhich evaluates the residual budget over all years.Prerequisites You have defined a key figure for calculation of the amount to betransferred in the FM Customizing under Budget Control System (BCS)-> BCS-Budgeting -> Define Key Figures>.> This key figure is only available in this program if it is correctlyflagged for the category Transfer>.Features Basic for Calculation> The program calculates the budget amount to be transferred according tothe key figure> specified and creates thecorresponding budget entry document lines for all FM account assignmentsthat match the selection criteria. Additional options for the calculation are:
- Revaluation by a percentage amount
- Rounding based on the sum of all period values according to the selected
Rounding mode (commercial, rounding off, rounding up) and Rounding factor> (..., 0.1, 1, 10 ...) Document Settings> In the document settings, you have to specify the following generalheader data> that will be filled in all budget entry documents createdby the program:
- You have to specify the document type> and
document date>.
- On the sender side (process SEND>) and receiver
side (process RECV>) you can choose differentkinds of budget types>.
- Using Additional Data> you can add further information such as the
document header text, and the person responsible.
- You have to set a sender period. On the receiver side you have two
options: You specify a receiver period You distribute to different periods according to a chosendistribution key>
- Under the Year of Cash Effectivity>>, you can enter the
range of years that are valid forcash effectivity>. Document Family Number> The documents created from one program run are grouped by adocument family number> and can therefore be easilyretrieved again afterwards. For example, you can use the document familynumber as a selection criterion if you want to reverse all documentscreated in one run again using the programReverse Budget Entry Documents>. INCLUDE BCS_DERIVATION_STRATEGY OBJECT DOKU ID TX The current process is linked to the fiscal year -end process "TransferBudget". INCLUDE BCS_REASSIGNMENT_RULE OBJECT DOKU ID TX Processing Options> The Grouping settings> allow you to specify which FM accountsassignment element combinations should be grouped in one budget entrydocument. A new entry document is always created for each new fund. Inthe Grouping settings you can extend the grouping to one of the other FMaccount assignment elements (for example, you can flag Funds Center > in order to get a new document for each new combination of fund andfunds center. In order to avoid overflow in the entry and changedocument (line item table FMBDP>) number ranges, you can onlyselect one account assignment element in addition to the fund. You can run the program either as a test run or as an update run.Background processing is also possible.Selection Besides the options described above, you must also specify the FM area,budget category, version and fiscal year. You can limit the source FMaccount assignments in question by using selection options or themultiple selection tool. You can select a sender and a receiver year of cash effectivity. If youmake no entries, budget is transferred using the years of casheffectivity defined in Customizing. Output The program generates a detailed list with the result of the program runif the corresponding option was chosen. This list contains the following information:
- Indicator specifying the maximum error degree (error, warning,
- Document number - in case the document was not posted (test run or
errors) a temporary document number is generated by the program anddisplayed
- FM account assignment element
- Year of cash effectivity
- Process
- Budget type
- Total amount of the budget entry document line
If errors occur, an application log is generated and displayed.