Purpose You use this program to calculate and increase budget from revenues. Thecalculation of revenues increasing the budget is done according to RIBrules defined for so-called "RIB objects". Integration Prerequisites You have defined a derivation strategy for RIB objects in FM Customizingunder Define Derivation Strategy for RIBObjects>. You have maintained RIB calculation formulas for revenues increasing thebudget in FM Customizing under MaintainCalculation Formulas for Revenues Increasing the Budget>. You have created RIB rules manually or have automatically generated themfrom a derivation strategy using Generate Rules forRevenues Increasing the Budget>.Features The program calculates the budget increases according to the RIB rulesdefined. The corresponding entry budget document lines are then madeavailable for all FM account assignments (RIB objects) matching theselection criteria. Document Settings> In the document settings, you have to specify the following generalheader data to be filled in all budget entry documents created by theprogram:
- Specify the document type> and
document date>.
- On the source side (process RBBS>) and target side
(process RBBT>) you select different kinds ofbudget types>.
- Using Additional Data> you can add further information, such as a
document header text and the person responsible.
- You have to set a source period. On the target side you have two
options: You specify a specific source period You distribute to different periods according to a selecteddistribution key> Document Family Number> The documents created from one program run are grouped by adocument family number> and can therefore be easilyretrieved again afterwards. For example, you can use the document familynumber as a selection criterion if you want to reverse all documentscreated in one run, using the program ReverseBudget Entry Documents>.Selection In the header data, you define the FM area, thebudget category>, version and fiscal year forwhich budget data from revenues is to be increased. You can limit thesource FM account assignments (RIB objects) in question by usingselection options.Standard_variants Output The program generates a detailed list with the results of the programrun, provided this option was chosen. This list contains the followinginformation:
- FM account assignment element
- Budgeting process
- Budget type
- Total amount of the budget entry document line
- Indicator specifying the maximum error degree (error, warning,
- Document number - in case the document was not posted (test run or
errors), a temporary document number is generated by the program anddisplayed If errors occur, an application log is generated and displayed.Activities