Purpose You use this program before theyear-end closing> run, inthe preclosing phase, in order to calculate and transfer residual budgetfor the closing of specific FM accounts. This program then generatesbudget entry documents. Note> This is not a mandatory step in closing operations, and is also not aprerequisite for carrying over residual budget to the following year. You can use this program in the following situations:
- You want to balance your budget with respect to the
availability control objects > >or cover groups>before carrying the budget over to the next year, or
- You want to balance your budget with respect to a group of
budget addresses> beforecarrying it over. In order to obtain a balanced budget, the residual budget or a portionof it (in percentage form) is transferred to specific FM accountassignments according to predefined rules specified in the IMG activityAssign Strategy for Reassignment to FMArea>.
- You want to transfer only negative budget> to predefined FM
account assignments and then in a second step carry out year-end closingusing the Budgeting Workbench. The calculation of the budget to be transferred is based on key figures>.Prerequisites In Customizing, you have defined a key figure for calculating the amountto be transferred, in the IMG activity under Budget Control System(BCS) -> BCS-Budgeting -> Define Key Figures >.> This key figure is only available in this program if the categoryCarryover> is specified.Features Basis for Calculation> The program calculates the budget amount to be transferred according tothe key figure you have specified and creates the corresponding budgetentry document lines for all FM account assignments that match theselection criteria. An additional option for the calculation is the revaluation bypercentage amount. Document Settings> In the document settings, you have to specify the following generalheader data> to be contained in all budget entry documents created bythe program:
- You have to specify the document type> and
document date>.
- On the sender side (process SEND>) and receiver
side (process RECV>), you can choose differentkinds of budget types>.
- Using Additional Data> you can add further information such as the
document header text, and the person responsible.
- You must set a sender period. On the receiver side you have two options:
You specify a receiver period, or You distribute to different periods according to a chosendistribution key>.
- Under the Year of Cash Effectivity>>, you can enter the
range of years that are valid forcash effectivity>. Document Family Number> The documents created from one program run are grouped by adocument family number> and can be easily retrievedagain after the program run. For example, you can use the documentfamily number as a selection criterion if you want to reverse alldocuments created in one run. You do this using the programReverse Budget Entry Documents>. INCLUDE BCS_DERIVATION_STRATEGY OBJECT DOKU ID TX The current process is linked to the fiscal year-end process"Preclosing: Residual Budget Transfer". INCLUDE BCS_REASSIGNMENT_RULE OBJECT DOKU ID TX Processing Options> If you set the indicator "Check Transfer within AVC Object/Cover Group",the program prevents you from transferring budget across AVC objects orcover groups. Note> Such a check is only carried out if the selection takes place either viaAVC objects or cover groups. The Grouping settings> allow you to specify which FM accountsassignment element combinations should be grouped in one budget entrydocument. A new entry document is always created for each new fund. Inthe Grouping settings you can extend the grouping to one of the other FMaccount assignment elements (for example, you can checkmark the Funds Center> in order to get a new document for each new combinationof fund and funds center. In order to avoid overflow in the entry andchange document (line items table FMBDP>) number ranges, you canonly select one account assignment element in addition to the fund. If you set the indicator "Grouping settings per AVC object/cover group",this allows you to create documents for each new availability controlobject or cover group. Note> This setting only applies if you have indirectly selected budgetaddresses either using AVC objects or cover groups. In this case,grouping settings per budget address are not considered. You can run the program either as a test run or as an update run.Background processing is also possible. If you set the indicator '"Only Negative Budget", then only negativebudget (that is, budget deficits) are considered in the transfer.Selection Besides the options described above, you must also specify the FM area,budget category, version and fiscal year. You can limit the source FMaccount assignments by using selection options or the multiple selectiontool. You can select FM account assignments using availability control objectsor cover groups as follows: