Title Importing commitment items Purpose Using program RFFMMDBI85>, you import the commitment items storedin a Unix file or PC file in the batch to an FM area/fiscal year of theSAP system. Note that execution takes place in the background on the applicationserver. Therefore you must specify a UNIX path.Prerequisites If several variants of the commitment item hierarchy are to be created,the standard variant must always be imported first. Features The entry parameters FM area and fiscal year specify in which FM areaand fiscal year the data is to be created, irrespective of which FM areaand fiscal year was used when exporting the data. The import file is processed sequentially. The data is made available tothe SAP system via the function module FM_COM_ITEM_NO_SCREEN_CREATE>. In the function module, the importdata is checked for plausibility and, after a successful check, writteninto the data base. INCLUDE FM_COM_ITEM_COPY_STRUCTURES1 OBJECT DOKU ID TX Note:> If enhancement FMMD0015 is active, there might be changes in the importdata!Output The appropriate processing but also the rejection of a commitment itemin case of error are stored in the action log (with error list). The logis isssued in a list. |