SAP Program RFFMLI_DRILLDOWN - Search Change Document

With this report, you can access and display budget change documentsfrom a selection list. The selection parameters are line-oriented.
By default, the figures are displayed in the user interface format (bothexpenditures and revenues are shown as positive values).
If you access the list from another report, the figures can also beshown in database format (expenditures are shown as negative values andrevenues are shown as positive values).

AVC filter
When accessing the list from another report, the ledger can be passed asan input parameter and is further analyzed: If it is recognized as avalid availability control ledger, all document lines which do not enterin the availability control (AVC) process are automatically filteredout. For this purpose, two new parameters (ranges) have been added tothe report interface: Ledger and Record Type. They are not visible inthe selection screen (no manual input possible). When several ledgervalues or record type values are passed to the report, you might beasked to choose the value(s) you want to use via a dialog box.
The interface logic has also been enhanced, in order to enable thereport to be called from the Report Writer.

The selection parmeters are:

  • FM area (mandatory)

  • Budget category (mandatory)

  • Value type (range)

  • Version (range)

  • Fiscal year (range)

  • Period (range)

  • Year of cash effectivity (range)

  • Process (range)

  • Budget type (range)

  • Workflow state (range)

  • Line number (range)

  • Grant (range)

  • Fund (range)

  • Funds center (range)

  • Commitment item (range)

  • Functional area (range)

  • Funded program (range)

  • Only the account assignment elements which are used in BCS are proposedin the selection screen.

    The default fields displayed in the selection list are:

    • Fiscal year

    • Document number

    • Document line

    • Version

    • Process

    • Budget type

    • Account assignment elements

    • Total amount for the line

    • The FM area, budget category and currency are unique for the whole list.Therefore, they are only displayed in the header.

      From the selection list, you can choose a specific line and display thecorresponding document.
      You can only access the document if you have the authorization to accessfor its entire contents:

      • FM area

      • Version/budget category

      • Account assignment element

642070Miscellaneous fixes for RW for BCS in EA-PS 1.10
625373Missing table entries from note 615597
564621Drilldown reports based on line data