Title Supplement of Assignment Dunning Procedure to Dunning Area Purpose This program writes the dunning procedure and corresponding dunningareas in the selected customer and vendor master data. Always when no entry for the combination company code/dunning area/dunning procedure exists in the customer/vendor master record, thisprogram creates a corresponding data record. The program dunningprocedure and areas are taken from the entries that you maintained inthe Customizing of Funds Management Government>.Integration Prerequisites A dunning procedure must be defined for dunning area empty>. The current valid assignment of dunning procedure to dunning area thatthe program should enter in the selected dataset must be maintained inthe Customizing of component Funds Management Government > in stepAssign Dunning Procedure to Dunning Area>.Features Selection On the selection screen you must select whether you want to processcustomers and/or vendors. In order to limit the selection more, you canspecify the subledger accounts that the program should process: eitheryou specify the subledger account number (n) in the SAP system orsubledger account numbers(n) as a preprocedure. If you specify thesubledger accounts from preprocedure, the program selects only thesespecifications. You can also specify whether the program should copy the followingfields from the dunning area empty> to the customers/vendor masterrecord for the new assignment of dunning procedure to dunning area.