SAP Program RFFMKT14 - Copy rules for collective expenditure

Program RFFMKT14 copies the rules for collective expenditure existingin one FM area and fiscal year into another FM area and/or anotherfiscal year.
For performance reasons, the program should always be executed in thebackground.
Program parameters
From FM area
To FM area
From fiscal year
To fiscal year
Test run


  • Note that no rules for collective expenditure may exist in the target
  • FM area and target fiscal year.
    You should therefore first execute program RFFMKT13 in a test runbecause you can only execute an update run once.
    • Master data maintenance for the target FM area and the target fiscal
    • year must be completed.

      The program generates a list of all the inconsistencies that occur.
      The list has the following column headings:

      • FMA (FM area)

      • Year (in which control data should be created)

      • Funds center

      • Fund

      • Commitment item

      • Error message

      • Commitment item does not exist
        Fund center does not exist
        Fund does not exist
        Funds management account assignment is not a budget object