SAP Program RFFMKONTT - Conversion Program KONTT/KONTL to New Database Fields; Convert FIPEX

Conversion program execution, dunning, additional receivables,public-owned commercial operation

This conversion program must be executed within the framework of theupgrade of old IS-PS customers to the Enterprise Release after therelease changeover and before the new production operation. The programconverts fields in the areas execution, dunning,
additional receivables and/or public-owned commercial operations whichare necessary for the Enterprise Release. The following fields areconverted:
Up until and including IS-PS Release 4.62, important additionalinformation was stored in the areas execution, dunning, additionalreceivables, and/or public-owned commercial operations in neutraldatabase fields (KONTT, KONTL) which are only available for industrysolutions. With the increasing integration of the different industrysolutions in a SAP system and the competition situations linked to thesefields, new fields must be created for the IS-PS areas mentioned for theEnterprise Release. This program can be used to convert the relevantdata from the old, neutral fields into the new, IS-PS specific fields.Affected database tables:
Conversions for execution, dunning, additional receivables:
Conversions for the area public-owned commercial operation:
Database tables BSEG
In the tables BSIS, BSAS and VBSEGS the field FIPEX will not be filledfrom the Enterprise Release onwards. Program RFFMKONTT converts thoserecords that have the FIPEX fields filled, but the FIPOS field isinitial.
This conversion program is only relevant for old IS-PS customers. Forthis reason, the program checks whether the IS-PS component wasactivated in at least one client. Only when
this check is successful is additional information searched for inall(!) system clients for the IS-PS areas mentioned, execution, dunning,additional information or public-owned commercial operation and updatedin the new fields if required.
Also see: SAP note 447805

Required upgrade activity for SAP Enterprise Public Services customers.

This conversion program is only relevant for IS-PS customers who areswitching from IS-PS Release <= 4.62 to the Enterprise Release >= 4.70.These customers must execute this program once after the upgrade toEnterprise Release >= 4.70 before production operation.
Start this conversion program at a quiet time when operation levels arelow.
Only after a successful conversion can the IS-PS functions execution,dunning, additional receivables and/or public-owned commercial operationbe used again.

The conversion program generates a log at the end of processing thatdescribes the converted clients as well as the tables converted in theindividual clients (number of converted table row, required processingtime).

429225Migration FI-FM to SAP R/3 Enterprise Public Services 1.10
619071Performance conversion prgm RFFMKONTT - parallel processing
599460RFFMKONTT runtime too long
554378Incorrect commitment item conversion via report RFFMKONTT
447805Field changes to SAP R/3 Enterprise Public Services 1.10