Purpose The Statement of Net Cost is designed to show separately the componentsof the net cost of the reporting entity's operations for the period. Bydisclosing the gross and net cost of the entity's programs, theStatement of Net Cost provides information that can be related to theoutputs and outcomes of the programs and activities. This statement canbe used to support management analysis of operations as well as GPRAanalysis. The statement of net cost is part of the Federal Government financialstatements. The requirements for this report are published and specifyits output in detail, as well as the characteristics behind eachreporting line in a crosswalk. The statement of net cost differentiates between intragovernmental andFederal activities. In CO-related transactions, the federal/non-federalinformation is not always available. In such case, the programdistributes unassigned amounts by assigning them on the basis of theretrieved federal/non-federal ratio. Set the You can show the footnote to the statement of net cost by setting the Integration Prerequisites Selection Output Example$ Ledger Posting to Program A: Crosswalk: Calculation Line 1: Calculation Line 2: Report: |