Title Purpose Prerequisites Features
If you select it, all existing "Eligible for Offset" records thatsatisfy the selection criteria are displayed on ALV. On save, theTreasury Offset File is created and saved to file entered on selectionscreen. If you do not select it, the program the Treasury Offset File is createdand saved to the file entered on selection screen. ,...). Therefore the report, as well as the file, should be working offthe key date (example: the last day of the month even though we arealready into the following month). Method GET_DATE_FIELD - Define date used in ageing calculation. Thedelivered default code sets the baseline date as the default date usedfor the ageing calculation. Methods CONTROL_RECORD, DEBT_INFO, and INDIVIDUAL_DEBTOR_INFO -allows the agency to put data in the required file format. The methodscorrespond to the sections of the Agency File Format "Control Record","Debt Information" and "Individual Debtor Information". They have beenset up in this manner to ease the creation of an implementation for theend-user in putting agency's data in correct format. The delivereddefault code fills the Treasury Offset File Format to fulfill JFMIPrequirements. We recommend that your agency use the default code be usedas a template by the agency when creating your implementation. Selection Company code Document Age Limit in Days Path and Filename Key Date - A report of this type is typically run at or after monthend. Selection allows user to enter the last day of the month eventhough they could be already in the following month. Test Run Output Activities |