Description Progran RFFMDL52 deletes actual data on a time and component basis forone FM area in Cash Budget Management. You can delete the actual data for all fiscal years, or limit thetimeframe to one particular year and period. You can also opt todelete only history data - that is, cleared documents with zero value. You must only start RFFMDL52 if you are deleting data in the testsystem or selectively. In the production system, you should usetransaction SARA>, with which you can archive or deletecommitment/actual line items, or reload them into the productionsystem. Report parameters>: FM area Delete all Delete all fiscal years Selective deletion Line items> Fiscal year Period The program deletes all the line items up to the period and yearspecified. Totals and balances> Fiscal year The program deletes all totals records and balances up to the fiscalyear you enter. For technical reasons, the fiscal year for the totalsrecords must be earlier than the fiscal year for the line items. List output History data only. Note> If you delete actual data selectively, the totals data for particularperiods or fiscal years will still be in the system, even though youhave deleted the line items for this period. The information systemdisplays the totals data, but not the relevant line items.Preconditions
- Back up your data.
Output Number of line items and totals records deleted, per component.