Purpose This program copies texts for the budget header, line items, andstandard budget long text of theBudget Control System> (BCS)according to the given selection criteria from a source to a targetversion, or from a source to a target fiscal year, or from a source to atarget budget type. These budget texts have been created in the budget textorganizer transaction> or in the BCS planning transaction. You can copy a budget text without any budget values assigned to it. The source and target fields are ready for input depending on theCustomizing settings made as per the prerequisites defined below. Forexample, if the field '"Version'" is not defined as a key field for FMaccount assignment texts, this field will not be ready for input in thistransaction and therefore copying texts from a source to a targetversion is not supported.Prerequisites You have defined Key Fields For BudgetTexts> in FM Customizing.Features Processing Options> The budget text is updated in the target version according to theselected Update mode> for texts. If you use the "Add Text" option, you can separate your new text fromthe old text with a user text defined via transaction SO10, StandardText Request. This user text is not mandatory. If you use the button "Environment strategy", you call the derivationstrategy tool and can use the same strategy that has been used for acarryover or to copy a budget version. You can also use your ownstrategy to create new budget text with a derived account assignment.Selection Options You must specify at least the FM area. Furthermore, depending on thesettings made in Customizing, you should specify the budget category,version, fiscal year and budget type. You can limit the FM account assignments concerned by using selectionoptions or the multiple selection tool. Output The program generates a detailed list with the results of the programrun, provided this option was chosen. This list contains the followinginformation: