Description Caution: This program changes documents automatically in the updaterun> You can use this program to convert the work list>data for reassigning and supplementing. Both actual data and commitmentdata from Funds Management as well as documents (such as fundsreservations and purchase orders) are changed. The changes in the actual data and commitment data are updated dependingon the valid update profile. Control parameters> You can log the changes to the documents using change documents. If you have a large number of documents, you can improve systemperformance by not> selecting the following parameters:
- Lock documents
- Adjust assigned values (only relevant for reassignment)
If you do not adjust the assigned values, you have to run the programfor reconstructing the assigned values afterwards. You can also distribute the processing of the program across severaldialog processes in order to reduce the overall runtime of programexecution.Precondition The program can only convert documents previously selected forreassignment or supplements. You can find more information on this under Selection for Supplements>.Output The converted documents are issued in a list that displays both theoriginal account assignment and the changed account assignment for eachdocument. For technical reasons, the reassignment tool groups the documents andalways converts the documents of a group together. So if an error occursin one document, the other documents in the group are not converted.They receive the error text Document could not be converted due todependencies>.Note If you do not set the indicator Public ChangeManagement>, the FM account assignments are only adjusted in certaintables with reassignments and supplementary account assignments by thesystem.
- EKPO (e. g. purchase orders not assigned to an account)
- EKKN (e. g. purchase orders assigned to an account)
- BSEG, BSIK, BSAK, BSID, BSAD line item table of FI and index tables for
vendors and customers (but only with selection using programRFFMCHAN>)
- KBLK and KBPL (e. g. funds commitments, funds reservations and funds
- EBAN (e. g. purchase requisitions not assigned to an account)
- EBKN (e. g. purchase requisitions assigned to an account)
If you want to reassign or supplement documents that are not saved inthis table (such as, previous documents from other systems), you shouldtest whether the system includes these documents. If the documents arenot reassigned or supplemented by the system, you must integrate acorresponding program. If you distribute the processing of the program across several dialogprocesses and set the Lock Documents> indicator, it is possiblethat the processes block each other. This always happens when a documentwas selected in more than one group. If you want to lock documents, youmust make sure that a document is not included in several groups. Youcan find out the group number of the documents in reporting (ReportRFFMCHAR). Alternatively, you can do without the document lock bymaintaining suitable organizational measures.