Purpose This program displays the change history ofcover eligibility rules> for cover groups>.Prerequisites You have created cover eligibility rules for automatic cover groupsusing the mass generation> function, or viamanual maintenance.Features When you run the program, all changes that have been made to covereligibility rules are displayed according to the specified selectioncriteria. Selection
- Enter an FM area, a fiscal year and a budget category.
- Restriction on cover groups:> select the cover groups for which
you want to display the change history records.
- Restriction on FM account assignments:> you can further restrict
the selection of the change history records to be displayed byselecting the FM account assignments.
- Restriction to user logs:> you can further restrict the selection
of change history records to be displayed by selecting the usersresponsible for the changes and dates of the changes.
- Layout option: >select the layout to be used for the output list.
Output The output list contains all change records for cover eligibility rulesaccording to the selection criteria. In every line, the followinginformation is displayed: change number, date, time, change type, covergroup, assigned budget addresses, user responsible for the change,fields changed with old and new values.