This report increases budget from payments in received revenues based onthe rules in FM01UD, FMCDRB and FMCDRBE. A history of applied data iskept in FMCDRBBS, allowing corrections to be applied automatically whenchanges are made to rules. FM Area The Financial Management area against which the report should run Fiscal Year The fiscal year whose data the report should process. Commitment Budget Flag to choose whether or not to process the commitment budget. Payment Budget Flag to choose whether or not to process the payment budget. Funds Select option to allow restricting the revenues processed to specificfunds. Funds Center Select option to allow restricting the revenues processed to specificfund centers. Commitment Item Select option to allow restricting the revenues processed to specificcommitment items. Include Downpayment Mark this if you wish downpayments to be included in the revenue. Test When checked, the report processes as usual and produces an output butno changes are applied. Precondition Output |