SAP Program RFFMCCF_DISPLAY - Display Fiscal Year Change Documents

With this program, you can display one or more fiscal year changedocuments.

Open items were carried forward by using programRFFMCCF1 or the carryforward was reversed by usingprogram RFFMCCFR with fiscal year change operations.

All fiscal year change documents that correspond to the selectioncriteria are displayed.

You can limit the selection to certain documents.
You can also limit the selection to particular sender accountassignments. To do this, choose Account Assignment Block.
Fields in which you do not make an entry are not considered with theselection.

808368RFFMCCF_UPG_TRANSFER: Undo reference set incorrectly
669889FMJ_DISPLAY: No selection options for FM account assignment
668484FMJ_DISPLAY: No ALV layout storage is possible