Lower levels are only checked if the upper level(s) are correct. Overall and annual values are checked according to the user selectionand budget profile of the fund. By default, the fund should allow forboth annual and overall data. Output The header specifying the FM area with a message communicating theerror. The table of all the budget structure headers (BPCK entries) referringto this FM area. The header specifying the FM area and the fund with a messagecommunicating the error. The table of all the budget structure headers (BPCK entries) referringto this fund. The header specifying the FM area, the fund, and the fiscal year with amessage communicating the error. The table with the budget structure header (BPCK entry) referring tothese values (fund and fiscal year). This entry is written and there is a list with all the non-existentfunds centers and all commitment items with errors (there was noconversion to commitment items, or possibly the commitment items do notexist). |