This part is only executed if the user selected "All BPHI entries"(checkbox). All funds and functional areas from file BPHI (cross-hierarchy data) are listed for which there is no corresponding recordin table FMFINCODE (master data funds) or in table TFKB (functionalareas), respectively. For each of these non-existent funds or functional areas, the outputspecifies whether there is corresponding data in the annual and totalbudgeting tables. The total values are checked if you select "Total values" (checkbox).For annual values, the user can define a range of fiscal years. The others fields of the selection screen are not used in this firstpart. All funds centers and commitment items (POSIT) are listed for whichthere is no corresponding master data but which nevertheless aredisplayed in budgeting. The following budgeting tables are checked: If the "Total values" flag is on and the budget profile supports totalvalues: BPGE (overall budgeting table). If a range of fiscal years is selected and the budget profile supportsannual values: BPJA (annual budgeting table). If the budget profile cannot be determined or if it does not exist,both annual and total values are checked. If the use of fund (validity period for the fund) cannot be determined,this is communicated to the user. In this case, no checks are done onmaster data to check whether funds centers and commitment items exist. The only thing done is a global check on BPGE and/or BPJA, in order tofind out whether there is data matching the selection in the budgetingtables. Precondition Output |