SAP Program RFFMBUI1 - Import original budget for Batchinput

In the component Funds Management Government , the programRFFMBUI1 imports the original budget in an external file (Unixfile or PC file) into a budget version chosen by you for an FMarea/fiscal year.
You implement the program RFFMBUI1 in combination with program RFFMBUE1in order to transfer budget data from the euro FM area to the originalFM area, within the context of the euro conversion.
As long as the local currencies of both FM areas are different, then arevaluation into the local currency of the original FM area takes placeautomatically, when importing budget data. This can lead to roundingdifferences, for which a matching is not planned. This will be the casein the original FM area up to local currency conversion to Euro.However, in the process of this "double FM area maintenance" it isexpected that you execute another import of budget data after currencyconversion in the original FM area; this data exchange then takes placewithout currency conversion and so without the effect of roundingdifferences.
Program process flow
The import of the data records takes place sequentially in thebackground. This checks the plausibility of the data, which are onlywritten to the database after a successful check. Transaction "additiveon" is set; subsequently the values are totaled up.
In addition to annual budget, the program also supports distribution toperiods, but generally you proceed according to the distribution key'1', i.e. the budget is distributed equally to all periods. If you havedefined another distribution key in your budget profile, then this keyis not supported.
Data records which cannot be imported due to an error, are written to aBatch input file and can be subsequently processed via a standard Batchinput.
You execute the import separately and sequentially for the appropriatevalue types:
70 Commitment budget
43 Payment budget

  • The program starts by executing an authorization check. To execute the
  • program, you must have activated the activity (46) first transfer,reconstruction, fiscal year change for the authorization objectF_FICB_FKR (FM area).
    • Ensure that Customizing settings, master data and hierarchies of the
    • source FM area (here euro FM area) correspond to those of the target FMarea (here: Original FM area).
      • In the target FM area, you have created an "empty" budget version, in
      • which the data records are imported.

        The proper processing, but also the rejection of a data record in thecase of an error, are stored in an action log.
        The output of the log takes place via a list.

        • Report documentation RFFMBUE1

        • Documentation Budget planning in Euro