SAP Program RFFMBS_MAINTAIN_POBJECTS - Maintain Posting Addresses

You use this program to carry out the definition ofPosting Addresses in a massrun. You can use the program for creating or deleting posting addresses.

Using this program, you define which FM account assignments are intendedas posting addresses for each FM area and fiscal year. This is differentfrom the creation of budget addresses - you create these for each budgetstructure and ledger. You define posting addresses for the postingledger/s used in your FM area without reference to a budget structure.
When you define posting addresses, you can still postactuals/commitments to other FM account assignments. FM accountassignments that are not defined as posting addresses will only beexcluded from actual/commitment postings if you set the indicatorCheck Posting Address in Customizing for Funds Management underMaster Data -> Budget Structure for Budget Control System (BCS) ->Define Settings for Budget Structure.
You can check whether posting addresses should be created or deleted forthe program run.

There are two selection methods for selecting the FM account assignmentsin question:

  • In the normal selection, you can define an interval for the FM account
  • assignment elements.
    • The attribute objects of the account assignment elements are available
    • as selection criteria via the pushbutton Multiple Selection. Youcan control the selection settings using defined variants in multipleselection.
      The FM account assignment elements fund, functional area,grant or funded program are only displayed if you haveactivated them in Customizing of Funds Management under BasicSettings -> Activate Account Assignment Elements.

      The number of posting addresses selected for processing is displayed.
      In the event of an error, the program run is terminated for all FMaccount assignments and no changes are made. An error log is availablefor handling errors.