SAP Program RFFMBS_MAINTAIN_BOBJECTS - Maintain Budget Addresses

You use this program to carry out the definition ofBudget Addresses in a massrun. You can use the program to create or delete budget addresses.

You have created a budget structure in Customizing of Funds Managementunder Master Data -> Budget Structure for Budget Control System(BCS) -> Create Budget Structure.

Using this program, you define the FM account assignments to be used asbudget addresses. You define budget addresses in a budget structure foreach FM area/fiscal year and budget category.
Note that when you define a budget address, it is still possible tobudget other FM account assignments. FM account assignments that are notdefined as budget addresses are only excluded for budget postings if youset the indicator Check Budget Address in the Funds Managementmenu under Assign Status of Version.
You can define whether budget addresses should be created or deleted forthe program run.

There are two ways to select the relevant FM account assignments:

  • In the normal selection you can define an interval for the FM account
  • assignment elements.
    • The attribute objects of the account assignment elements are available
    • as selection criteria via the pushbutton Multiple Selection. Youcan control the selection settings using predefined variants formultiple selection.
      The FM account assignment elements fund, functional area,grant or funded program are only displayed if you haveactivated them in Customizing of Funds Management for BCS underBudget Control System (BCS) -> BCS Budgeting -> Activate AccountAssignment Elements in Budget Control System.

      The number of budget addresses, and the budget addresses themselves,that were selected for processing, are displayed.
      In the event of an error, the program run is terminated for allFM account assignments and no changes are made. An error log isavailable for handling the errors.