Purpose Using this program, you can check whether budget data has been enteredin a Funds Management account assignment that was not defined as abudget address. The budget data can become inconsistent if you make a change to thevalid budget addresses after budget data has been entered. For example:
- If you worked without a budget structure at the beginning and restricted
the selection of the valid budget addresses when you converted to abudget structure.
- If you changed the validation for the budget addresses.
Selection You execute the program for an FM area/fiscal year and for each budgetcategory and budget version. Output If there are inconsistencies in the data, the FM account assignmentsconcerned are output in a list. Activities Execute the program. If a list of inconsistencies is issued, define the FM accountassignments concerned as budget addresses. You do this in the Funds Management menu under Master Data -> BudgetStructure -> Budget Control System -> Budget Addresses -> Change> orMass Processing.>