SAP Program RFFMBELI - Processing List

Processing list

With this program you can select and process customer view items.

In the list issued, you can select

  • display the account statement for the items

  • post and clear the items

  • Note:
    SAP does not deliver an algorithm to determine clearing documents. Ifyou want to implement the algorithm, you can use the sample functionmodule SAMPLE_PROCESS_00103520 as reference for your own functionmodules. If this Business Transaction Event does not find a clearingdocument, you must select the clearing document manually.
    For more information on the technique of Business Transaction Events,see here.
    • execute a payment transfer for the items
    • Features
      If an item was processed successfully and you return to the list issuedafterwards, the program deletes the items from the list.
      If you call up the program again, an item which was already displayedis displayed again. Of course, this applies only to those that fulfilthe selection criteria.

      As well as the usual selection, items such as customer and company codeyou can also constrain the items to be displayed.
      In the group frame status, you can define whether items whichwere open, cleared or posted on a certain date should be displayed.
      In group frame type, you define whether normal items, so itemswith the special G/L indicator "empty" or items with different specialG/L indicators.

      The clearing status of the document is represented in the Clearcolumn by an icon in the list issued.
      @5B@ Item is cleared
      @5C@ Item is not cleared
      The due date is displayed by an icon in the column Due Date.
      @AG@ Item is overdue: The due date for net payment is exceeded on thekey date. The payment is late
      @1V@ Item is due: The item for payment is due without deduction
      @1U@ Item is not due: The due date for net payment is after the keydate

406124Reference to electr.acct statement lost w/transfer posting