SAP Program RFFMBE35 - Export financial result for local authorities batch input

Program RFFMBE35 saves the financial results of an FMarea/fiscal year to an external file (either PC or UNIX file) forGerman Government customers of component Funds ManagementGovernment.
When working with euro conversion, you can configure program RFFMBE35in combination with program RFFMBI35, in order to transfer thefinancial results of the original FM area to/from the euro FM area.
You execute the export separately for the budget and the collectiveexpenditure and it is carried out in the background.

First of all, the program performs an authorization check. In order toexecute the program, you must have authorization object F_FICB_FKR (FMarea), activity (46) - first transfer, reconstruction, fiscal yearchange.

The output of the records is issued in a log.

Further notes

  • Program documentation RFFMBI35

  • Documentation Budget planning in euro

  • Technical note
    Only data records that have the same approval year (GNJHR) and fiscalyear (GJAHR) are exported.