Docu like Report RFFMAV05Title Cross Assignments and Outside Usages Purpose As part of cover eligibility, this report displays individual FMaccount assignments with their cross assignments and outside usages. Features INCLUDE FIFM_EPSELECT_FMF OBJECT DOKU ID TX Output You get an alphanumeric list in which the distributable budget (botheligible and not eligible for cover) and your own assigned funds forevery FM account assignment are listed. The cross assignments totalsare displayed as well as the individual amount for each FM accountassignment that has used the budget. For every FM account assignment that has used the budget, the totalsare displayed for the outside usages as well as the individual amountfor each FM account assignment for which the budget was used. Thedistributable budget (both eligible and not eligible for covern) andyour own assigned funds are also displayed for these FM accountassignments. |