Description Overview Program RFFMARIT carries out document archiving in Funds Management andwrites the documents which can be archived to one or more files. You use transaction SARA to manage the archives and start the program.You can use transaction SAR3 to reconcile the functionality andarchiving process. Selection You can restrict the document selection by entering:
- Fiscal year / period - interval
- Document type
Down payments Payments The program checks archivability at document level, using the followingcriteria:
- The document must have been in the system for longer than the
"Minimum number of days in system>" "Minimum number of days in system>" means that more than thespecified number of days must have elapsed between entry of thedocument and today's date before the document can be archived. Each document which meets the criteria is written to an external filein a uniform format. List output is also generated.Output Standard output is a statistic, detailing how many documents werearchived or could not be archived because they did not meet thecriteria. Note Resources The program usually needs a lot of CPU and main storage capacity andaccesses the database frequently. You should, therefore, run it eitherin background processing or directly on a database server.