Purpose This program is used to subsequently update earmarked funds from FundsManagement to Cash Management. Table FDMV (cash management line items of earmarked funds) and thecorresponding totals records in FDSR (CM totals records of planninggroups) should first be deleted. FDMV can be deleted completely, howeverin FDSR you can only delete the records that logically belong to FDMV(see help program ZCMMV000 in SAP note 156239). If the program is called with the Cash Management implementation tool(transaction FDFD, Data Setup or Correct Data functions), you do notneed to delete manually, the system does it automatically. If records already exist in FDMV, a comparison is made between the oldand new records. FDMV and FDSR are only updated if differences aredetected (the same logic as is used for changes to earmarked funds). The following settings are required for the update to work (in the sameway as for the online update): 1) Component FDIS must be entered in table TRWCI 2) Component FDIS must be active in table TRWCA and the to year>must be later or the same as the current year. 3) The following entries are required in table TRWPR: GENDOCU,, CLEAR,, 040 FDIS ,,CASH_FORECAST_MV_INIT GENDOCU,, OINUMBER,, 050 FDIS ,,CASH_FORECAST_MV_OPEN_ITEM_NBR GENDOCU,, OPENITEM,, 050 FDIS ,,CASH_FORECAST_MV_OPEN_ITEM GENDOCU,, POST,, 030 FDIS ,,CASH_FORECAST_MV_OPEN_ITEM_NBR 4) Cash management must be activated in view V_001_I 5) The planning group must be maintained in the customer and vendormaster records 6) You will need to enter planning levels for the relevant documentcategories in view V_T036M. These levels may only be used for earmarkedfunds. Accepted document categories are:
- Funds reservation
- Funds precommitment
- Funds commitment
- Forecast of revenue
7) You can enter planning groups for earmarked funds from HR, to whichno customer or vendor is assigned in view V_T036M2. Accepted referenceactivities are:
- HRCOM - HR Funds commitment
- HRPRE - HR Funds precommitment
- HRRES - Funds reservation