SAP Program RFFDIS47 - Comparison Bank Statement Payment Advices <-> Manual Payment Advices

Reconciliation bank statment payment advices <-> manual payment advices

This report is an alternative to report RFFDIS46 and can be used iffirst payment advices (bank statement payment advices) are generatedfor the cash management and forcast when importing the bank statementand the FI postings are only created on the bank account after planninghas occured.
This report can the be used to reconcile BS-payment advices and manualadvices.
The advantages over RFFDIS46 (which displays the bank statement itemsas opposed to BS-payment advices) are:

  • Several company codes and accounts can be processed in a run.

  • Output occurs on a more user-friendly interface (ALV Grid control),
  • which enables you to shift, display or hide fields.
    • You can make assignments between BS payment advices and manual payment
    • advices and these assignments are visible up to archiving of the manualpayment advices (via the reference Id number which contains the BSpayment advice Id number).
      • If the report is called up again after archiving, only the BS payment
      • advices not yet included for an assignment, are displayed. (Thearchived manual payment advices, such as in RFFDIS46, are no longerdisplayed.)
        • The report tried to carry out an assignment according to the
        • specifications and selects the payment advices found and then displaysthe assignments, provided the relevant manual payment advices shouldnot be automatically archived immediately.
          • If automatic archiving is used, then subsequently only the BS payment
          • advices not included for an assignment, are displayed.
            • For automatic assignment there can also be variation in the value date.

            • If an assignment is processed (by selecting/deselecting BS payment
            • advices or manual payment advices), then the difference between the BSpayment advice and the assigned manual payment advices is displayed aswell as the percentage variance.
              • You can also skip to the left side of the list in the line items (in
              • the BS payment advices).
                The disadvantage when compared to RFFDIS46 is poorer performance, whichhas been caused by the use of the more user-friendly interface.
                Automatic assignment is carried out in the following steps. Each nextstep os only executed if the previous one could not determine anassignment:
                • Extact assignment: The company code, bank account, currency, value date
                • and amont must agree and there can only be a corresponding manualpayment advice that fulfills these requirements. The currency does nothave to agree if the parameter 'Payment advice calculation in account
                  currency' is selected.
                  • Non-exact assignment:

                  • 1.Attempt: Conditions as above, but amount must deviate according toparameter specifications.
                    2.Attempt: Conditons as above, but value date must deviate according toparameter specifications.
                    3.Attempt: Conditions as above, but amount and value date can differaccording to parameter specifications.
                    4.Attempt: For a BS payment advice, all corresponding manual paymentadvices are cummulated where the indicator for these payment adviceshave to agree with the BS payment advice and the value date can onlydiffer according to the parameter specifications.
                    The specified totals of these payment advices can only differ amount-wise from the parameter specifications.

                    When importing the bank statement, bank statement payment advices aregenerated.

                    A new manual assignment is started by selecting a BS payment advice.Then one or more manual payment advices can be assigned to this BSpayment advice. During this assignment, the difference is output as anamount and a percentage.
                    If you want to reverse an assignment, deselect the BS payment advice.The corresponding manual payment advices are also deselected. If it ismore than one manual payment advice, a warning is issued.
                    If you want to change to an assignment afterwards, to assign furthermanual payment advices to this assignment or to display the differenceof this assignment, deselect a manual payment item from this assignmentand reselect it.