SAP Program RFFDIS45 - Compare Payment Advices with Bank Account

This program simplifies the comparison of payment advices with the bankaccount. It selects payment advices created on the relevant planningdate, or within the relevant planning period, and compares them withthe postings.
Payment advices no longer indicated as valid are to be archived, andare automatically archived if you carry out automatic comparison.
Archived payment advices are no longer active. This means they are nolonger included in the cash position, preventing an amount fromoccurring twice within your planning.

Assigning Postings to Payment Advices
Postings and payment advices which agree in the following details areassigned to each other:
Company code
Bank account
Business area
Value date
Assignment number, if required
The currency key may be different if you select the "Translate adviceinto act crcy" parameter.
The amount need not agree. You can enter a maximum variance between theposting amount and the planned amount. The variance can be an amountand/or a percentage.

Manual Comparison
When you carry out a manual comparison, the program displays a listwith bank postings on the left side and payment advices which possiblymatch on the right. You can choose the sorting criteria for this list.Only the postings and payment advices that satisfy these criteria aredisplayed.
Depending on where you place the cursor, you can display the accountingdocument or the payment advice.
You can select any payment advice marked as posted. You can archive allsuch items once you have selected them.

Automatic comparison
To carry out automatic comparison, you must select the parameter"Automatic archiving". All the payment advices which meet the criterialisted above for assignment to a posting item are archived. Anarchiving log is printed. You can then archive the remaining paymentadvices manually.

Selecting archived payment advices
By selecting the appropriate parameter, you can display the archivedpayment advices for the bank statement item. The archive class is shownfor each advice.