SAP Program RFFDIS00 - Reorganization of Cash Management and Forecasting

Due to storage reasons and to improving access time, tables in CashManagement must be reorganized regularly so that:

  • all expired memo records and summary records are deleted, and

  • all summary records can be stored in condensed form.

  • Reorganization affects the following cash management tables:
    • FDES (memo records, that is, payment advices and planned items)

    • FDSB (summary records from bank accounts and bank clearing accounts)

    • FDSR (summary records from customer and vendor accounts)

    • Using the various selection options, you can limit the reorganizationto, for example, specific company codes or accounts. Usually, youreorganize only the company codes in which Cash Management is activatedand for which you have authorization.
      Processing records:
      • Incorrect memo and summary records, that is, if certain table entries
      • are missing or incorrect, remain unchanged. This enables you to makecorrections after the reorganization run.
        • Summary records whose expiration date is exceeded are deleted. Summary
        • records, however, only have an expiration date if they belong to memorecords in which automatic expiration is defined. The expiration dateis irrelevant when the summary records are created by postings inFinancial Accounting, Materials Management, or Sales and Distribution.This also applies to summary records belonging to memo records in whichautomatic expiration is not defined. These are memo records that mustbe transferred to an archiving category sothat they are no longer valid.
          The remaining summary records are not changed if they belong topostings for which a payment block is set.
          The other summary records are summarized on the predefinedsummarization date if the value date or planning date is before thisdate. Otherwise, they remain unchanged.
          • Memo records in which automatic expiration is defined are deleted if
          • the expiration date in the memo record is before the predefinedexpiration date. However, this applies only if this record was nottransferred to an archive; otherwise, the following applies.
            • For memo records that are transferred to an archive, the system places
            • the current date in the "Expiration date" field. This applies to allmemo records, regardless of whether automatic expiration is planned ornot. The reorganization program adds the retention period of therespective archiving category to this expiration date. If thiscalculated date is before the predefined expiration date, the memorecord is deleted.
              You can request several logs that document the reorganization run. Todetect incorrect or missing table entries and repair them before theactual run, carry out a test run.
              You can also use this program to obtain an overview of all memo recordsand summary records. The program is an alternative to the compareprogram RFFDIS40, which only lists valid records, not expired andarchived ones.
              To use the reorganization program for this purpose, the followingsettings for the parameters are useful:
              • Backdate the summarization and expiration dates by a few months or
              • years so that all memo and summary records are listed in the log ofunchanged records. Then only the records with incorrect or missingtable settings are in another log.
                • Select all logs. If the summarization and expiration dates are
                • backdated far enough, only the log of unchanged records is displayedand, if necessary, the log of incorrect records.
                  • Select extended selection so that records that are not yet relevant to
                  • the reorganization are also displayed.
                    • Select test run. Because of the backdated summarization and expiration
                    • dates, nothing would be reorganized anyway.

                      Abnormal Termination/Posting Errors
                      If the program terminates during a production run, carry out a cashmanagement comparison.
                      If an additional log with posting errors is displayed before the logsyou requested, the reorganization program ensures data consistency;that is, the posting errors are not critical. Nevertheless, you shouldcarry out the cash management comparison.
                      Posting errors can occur, for example, if archived or expired memorecords are reactivated or the expiration date is pushed forward duringthe reorganization run.
                      In the other logs, it is assumed that posting could be made without anyerrors. This means termination during posting is not taken into accountin these logs. Thus, you can, for example, list the records that couldnot be summarized in the log of the summary records to be summarized.In this case, the log of summary records just summarized contains onerecord although it could not be created because of the posting error.