SAP Program RFFDIM00 - Program for Setting Up Real Estate Cash Management

You can use this program to set up real estate agreements in CashManagement
There is a switch you can use to switch between test and update runs.Before the update run, make sure that none of the data which thisprogram sets up already exists in the database (tables FDI1 and FDSR -see below for details) as this may lead to program terminations.
You should carry out a test run first and remove any errors found beforeproceeding to the update run. The test run does not update any data.
You can enter a number of selections. If you specify a company code andbusiness area, the system checks whether you are authorized to createrecords in Cash Management.
If processing does not terminate due to errors, the program generates alog which can itself contain errors:
We recommend the following procedure:
Check that the prerequisites for data to be updated to Cash Managementhave been satisfied:
Cash Management must be active in the company code (view V_001_I).
Planning levels for real estate management must have been assigned(views V_T036V or V_T036W).
The relevant transaction types must be flagged as planning-relevant.
The relevant customer and vendor master records must include a planninggroup.

  • If any of these prerequisites is not satisfied, no error message
  • appears; the program simply skips the record during the update.
    Start the program in test mode; use background processing if there is alot of data.
    Check the job log to see whether a program termination occurred.
    Check the spool log to see whether errors were logged.
    Correct any errors and repeat the run.
    Delete the data to be reconstructed from planning tables FDI1 and FDSR.You can delete everything from table FDI1 by running the program withoutany restrictions. However, in the case of table FDSR (Customer andVendor Totals Record Table), delete only the records which are to bereconstructed, but not those arising from FI postings, payment advices,plan items, MM postings, or SD postings. The best approach is to use SAPnote 156239 to delete what is necessary.
    Start the program in an update run, using batch processing if possible.
    Check the job log and the spool log.
    In the even of errors, use the liquidity forecast to check whether datahas already been recorded in Cash Management. If any has, delete itbefore running the program again.
    Once the program has run without errors, use the liquidity forecast toverify that the data has arrived in Cash Management.

65309Cash Managemt/Forcst: procedure after data inconsistencies
187562ABS: Setup report faulty/ missing in Customizing