SAP Program RFFDBU00 - Post Payment Advices from Cash Management and Forecast

This program allows you to post payment advices created by cashconcentration to the appropriate accounts. A batch input session iscreated for the postings and the payment advices are archived.
The accounts to be posted to are taken from table T018C.
You can simulate the postings by selecting the appropriate parameter.The payment advices are not archived then. The program only outputs thelist.

An entry exists in table T018C for all participating bank accounts. Ifthe Clearing Account field is filled in table T018C, the postingis made to the account named in the table; otherwise, directly to thebank account. If there is no entry in the table for an account, theprogram does not post.
Two payment advices always correspond to one posting, one for the debitposting (receiving account) and one for the credit posting (issuingaccount). Therefore, a posting is only made if the Offsettingaccount, Offsetting company code, and Offsetting value date fields arefilled in the payment advice and the appropriate payment advice has beenselected. If no offsetting payment advice exists, no posting is made.In cash concentration, two payment advices are always createdand the corresponding fields are filled.
Likewise for payment advices whose amounts cannot be posted (becausethe amounts are too large), no postings are placed in the batch inputsession.

A list of the archived payment advices and the respective postings isprinted.
At the end, the payment advices that were selected but not archived(thus not posted) are printed separately.