Title Payment Cards: Posting of Card File Data Records Purpose Program RFFCRD10> generates FI accounting documents from thepayment card file data records within the framework of the paymentcards in financial accounting process. You can also use this program for the processing of log data recordsgenerated.Prerequisites
- Data records were imported, converted, checked and saved using program
RFFCRD00>. They are available in a payment card filein the CRFILEPOS> format.
- You have the corresponding authorizations for the authorization object
F_FCRD_DAT>.Features Account assignment function and credit voucher> As a rule, the accounting document account assignment is transferredfrom the card master record. If a suitable credit voucher is found, theaccount assignment is transferred from this and the credit voucherifself is used and reduced like an account assignment (earmarkedfunds). The search for a credit voucher can be optimized in a customer functionmodule. The attempt is made to derive the vendor master record from the vendorinformation in the data records. The derivation can be adjusted andoptimized in a customer function module for the data structure. You can enter customer function modules in the customizing for creditvouchers. Generate log file> When generating accounting documents, a log record in CRFILESTAT>format is simultaneously generated for each data record. The documentnumber of the accounting document generated is saved in the log record.In doing so, you prevent several accounting documents from beinggenerated from one data record. If no accounting document could begenerated, an error message is saved in the log in order to make thetroubleshooting posssible. Processing the log file> The second function of the RFFCRD10 program is the processing of thelog. Missing records can be flagged and the posting attempt repeated. Avisible posting attempt can be performed for individual records, thatis the entry transaction screens are display.Selection You can make the selection of the payment card file/s to be processedusing the following parameters: Year of issue> Period> Card type> File number> Selection code> Record number>Activities Generally, the data volume requires that the generation of accountingdocuments be performed in a batch job. To do this, you must create theappropriate variant setting and enter this in the job.