SAP Program RFFBWE00 - Repeatedly Generate DME File for Bill of Exchange Presentation

Report RFFBWE00 creates DME files for bill of exchange presentation forthe formats maintained for France, Spain and Italy in the bill ofexchange presentation transaction (FBWE). It selects the bill ofexchange by means of the successfully updated presentation. Theappropriate bill of exchange can only be found by means of thepresentation and then written to a file in the correct format in theperiod between presenting the bill of exchange and maintaining the billof exchange liability.

The bill of exchange presentation is identified by means of the companycode, the presentation date, the presentation bank, the presentationaccount, and the usage indicator (I or D).
If several presentations were made to the same house bank account onthe same day, the presentation transactions can be selected accordingto the time of presentation. The report then checks whether the bill ofexchange usage document was processed within half an hour before orafter the selection time.
If a selection currency is not specified, only presentations in companycode currency are included.
You must also enter a run ID as well as the file format (FR01, IT01,ES01) to create a connection to the DME administration transaction(FDTA).

Report RFFBWE00 generates a DME file and places it in the file system.The complete file name is displayed. You can use report RFWEDX00 ortransaction FDTA to download the file onto diskette or to the front endserver.
The file is to be found under "proposal runs" in transaction FDTA. Youcan find it directly by the reference number supplied by reportRFFBWE00 or by the run ID.