SAP Program RFF110SSP - Balance Check after a Payment Proposal

You can use this report to analyze a payment proposal created by thepayment program (F110), and depending on the result of the analysisblock items of the proposal for payment automatically.
The check is made for each account in the paying company code.
The following balance check has been defined in the standard system:
The local currency balance for the items of an account in a paymentproposal are determined for each paying company code. In doing this thesystem includes all items that were not provided with an incomingpayment method in the proposal. These are those documents that did notexplicitly have an incoming payment method in the document or that hadnot been assigned to an incoming payment in the proposal.
The items are blocked when there is a debit balance. If you havedefined a minimum payment amount in Customizing of the payment programthe items are also blocked if a credit balance is present which islower than this minimum amount.

You can call up the report directly from transaction F110 via Edit-> Proposal -> Debit Balance Check as either a simulation run or anupdate run. In addition you can schedule the report direct as a list ina proposal run so that it is subsequently started automatically afterthe proposal run.

You can enter the date and identification of the payment run in theselection screen. In addition you can restrict the items to be analyzedby accounts or paying and sending company code.
The payment block to be set can be entered under Specification ofPayment Block Indicator .
Further you can specify whether only a simulation run is to be done.

The report outputs a list of blocked accounts for each paying companycode.
In a following update run with the same payment run identificationthese accounts in the corresponding paying company codes are not paid.You can only delete the block by creating a proposal with the sameidentification again.
If you still want to pay an account blocked by the debit balance checkyou have two options:

  • You can delete the block for the vendor with report RFF110SSPL, which
  • you can also access in transaction F110 under Edit -> Proposal ->Debit Balance Check -> Change Account Block . After this you deletethe proposal and carry out an update run without creating a newproposal. The update run then ignores the blocked accounts
    • You edit the proposal in the maintenance of the proposal run and assign
    • the items blocked by the debit balance check to new payments. In anupdate run following this the items are paid as the proposal specifies.

      If you do not wish to copy the balance check implemented in thestandard system then you can define you own check using businesstransaction event 00001840 (process function module).

      Below you can see two examples of how the debit balance check works inthe standard system:
      You have 2 open items on a vendor in a paying company code: an invoicefor 98 EUR and a credit memo for 100 EUR. An outgoing payment methodhas been defined in the invoice, the credit memo does not have apayment method, and in the vendor master record no incoming paymentmethod has been defined.
      The payment proposal creates as a result a payment of 98 EUR, and 100EUR are on the exception list.
      Hence the balance of the items amounts to 2 EUR credit. Consequentlyboth items are blocked.
      The vendor has 3 open items: an invoice of 102 EUR with payment method,a credit memo of 100 EUR without payment method and a credit memo of250 EUR with an incoming payment method in the document. In the vendormaster record, however, no incoming payment method has been defined.
      The payment proposal now creates three groups: an outgoing payment of102 EUR, an incoming payment of 250 EUR and an exception of 100 EUR.
      The balance check only includes the items without an incoming paymentmethod, meaning the 250 EUR are not included. This results thenin a credit balance of 2 EUR; the payment is transferred unchanged.
      If, in this example, a minimum amount for outgoing paymentgreater than 2 EUR were to have been defined in Customizing for thepaying company code, then the account would have been blocked.