SAP Program RFEXBLK0 - Export Execution Data

This program exports all data relevant to the attachment of an externalexecution software.
For all selected customers and vendors, the program checks if any openitems have reached the highest dunning level in the dunning procedure.
For each customer or vendor affected, All open items are thenselected and exported to the PC. The program therefore also transfersitems, which are not yet due, and non-assigned payments for informationpurposes, for execution.
If the data of a subledger account is exported, the program flags boththe subledger account and the items transferred in the data base.
For all subsequent runs, all newly added or changed items contained inselection conditions are selected and transferred for execution for theflagged customers and vendors. If the cleared items were alreadytransferred as open items in a previous run, the program also exportsthe cleared items and the corresponding clearing documents.
The following data is exported for each selected subledger account:

  • Master data such as name, address etc.

  • Bank details

  • Reminder data

  • Open items

  • Cleared items (see prerequisites above)

  • Parked documents such as documents with a dunning block, are notconsidered.
    If you only want to update the data for customers or vendors already inexecution, you set the indicator Only customers in execution orOnly vendors in execution The program then only selects thechanged and new documents for these subledger accounts. Customers andvendors who would have to be newly transferred for execution are notconsidered.
    As only customers are usually transferred for execution, the selectionfield for vendors on the selection screen is filled with SPACE bydefault, in order to avoid that all existing vendors are selected. Ifyou want to transfer vendors as well as customers, delete the defaultvalue and adjust the selection accordingly.

    You must have activated the execution in Funds ManagementCustomizing. You make these settings in the IMG Funds ManagementGovernment, in the step Maintain GlobalSettings

    • For all dunning procedures, which are to lead to execution on reaching
    • the highest dunning level, the indicator Execut. mustbe set in the work step Enhance dunnng procedure

      The selected data is stored in different files which correspond to thedata format of the execution software AVVISO by default. Every filename is comprised of an identification code and the date of the reportrun. The execution procedure can use the identification procedure todifferentiate between the different data files. The customer masterdata is, for instance, checked into a file with the identification code"SC".
      The program writes the list of the relevant files into the lead file.For technical reasons, the file name, under which the file is stored onyour PC, differs from the name in the lead file: in the lead file listthe identification code appears twice.

      Transfer into the execution software AVVISO
      To transfer data into the execution software, all files must beimported. When importing, only the name of the lead file must bespecified, the file names from the data files are imported from thelead file.
      For information on importing and processing data, see the handbook forthe execution software AVVISO.

749831Fields GMVKZ and SRTYPE not in the clearing document