- BKPF> Document header for Financial Accounting
- BSEG> Document segment for Financial Accounting
- BSET> Document segment for tax data
- BSED> Document segment for bill of exchange fields
After translating local currency amounts, the document is also balancedout to zero again.Balancing out to zero
After conversion of each individual document, the system checks whetherthe balance is still zero for the local currencies in the document. Ifthis is not the case, the system tries to clear this difference usingan adjustment item. If debit and credit differences occur in differentlocal currencies, a debit and credit adjustment item is added in eachcase. A G/L account specifically created for this is needed for theseadjustment items.
If it is not possible to add adjustment items since the document wouldexceed the maximum permitted number of items of 999, the first G/Laccount item is adapted to the appropriate D/C indicator. If you cannotuse any G/L account, the first item is adapted to the corresponding D/Cindicator.
EUR documents:
For documents which were posted in EUR before the local currencychangeover, the amount for the document currency is transferred to thecorresponding local currency fields.
Scheduling the program run
The program is only allowed to be run through completely once perclient and program package. The status management for the changeoverpackage ensures this. You have an input parameter to choose whetherdata is saved to the database or not. The active package controls dataselection. The questionable company codes in which the documents are tobe converted are determined using the settings from this package.
Before converting the documents, you must make sure that acorresponding G/L account has been created in Customizing for companycodes in which one of the local currencies is converted. The "Balancesin loc.curr.only" switch must be set in the G/L account for systemperformance reasons. The account is not allowed to be managed on anopen item basis so that the sequence for converting the index tablesand documents can be ensured.
You should enter debit and credit posting keys in Customizing for theadjustment items. These posting keys must be able to be used for G/Laccount items.
The program runs with the other translation programs within the localcurrency changeover.
The program changes the documents directly in the database. The log isdefined in log management and displays the number of records read,changed and added per table. Errors which occur are listed here.