Description Program RFEBSC00> imports into the SAP System check deposit dataentered in an external system. The program can directly generate batch input sessions to post the datato the general ledger and subledger. You can have the program post thedata either immediately or at a later point in time (in the lattercase, use program RFEBSC10>). You can also manually postprocess the check deposit lists stored in theSAP System before you carry out posting. Subsequent processing is madeby using the transaction for manual check deposit. You can use all thefunctions in this transaction to process a check deposit list enteredin an external system. For more information, refer to the documentation on the individualprogram parameters, especially:
- Check file only>
- Check if in system>
- Find bank details>
- Run user exit>
Precondition In order to create a check deposit list, you need the identificationfor the house bank account and the individual list as well as certaincontrol parameters. If these values are not imported from the externalsystem, you can enter them as parameters for the program (optionalentries for the check deposit list). Certain parameters are alsogenerated automatically, if they are not imported. These are indicatedas such in the parameter documentation. Output The posting log provides information, separated by posting area, on allpostings placed in the batch input session. It also lists the externalbusiness transaction codes and the internal transactions that controlposting. The processing statistics show you:
- how many postings
were created for each session could not be made due to an error
- for how many line items by definition, no postings could be made.
Technical Description of the Interface File Format The interface reads the delivered data from a sequential file. Theformat is ASCII. The structure is line-oriented; i.e., every line mustend with the line end indicator (CRLF). Line Layout Every line consists of one of the following structures:
- Header record> (record type 0, structure FEBSCSA).
The header record contains the data that applies to all checks in acheck deposit list.
- Memo record> (record type 1, structure FEBSCSB).
A memo record contains data on an individual check.
- Clearing record> (record type 2, structure FEBSCSC).
A clearing record contains the data necessary for selecting an openitem in a customer account. Several clearing records can be allocatedto a single check. The individual fields from the structures are placed in each line, withno intervening gaps or separators and with the correct length. You must keep to the following sequence for the records:
- Header record
Memo record - clearing record - clearing record . . Memo record . .
- Header record
. . There must always be a header record at the beginning of the line. Clearing records can be left out if there is no appropriate data.Explanation of the Individual Fields: General: If the whole length of a field is not required, enter your data in leftjustification. Date fields (DATS type) must be filled with a date in the formatYYYYMMDD. Depending on how your system has been configured, amounts can beimported with a comma or a period as a decimal point. Additional amountformats (e.g., commas denoting thousands) are not possible. Amounts arepositive. You must always make entries in the SATZTYP> and TABNAME>fields. The following list explains only those fields that are not clearlydefined by their short description or that are linked to specialfunctions.Header record FEBSCSA-BWAER> Currency:
- Bank account currency
- You only have enter the currency if the program cannot identify the
bank account using the account number and bank key. FEBSCSA-GRUPPE> Group:
- Freely definable distinguishing feature.
- You must uniquely define this field for each bank account and entry
- Special function: If you can uniquely define this field, while
importing, the program can then check whether the data record hasalready been imported. FEBSCSA-VGMAN_E> Transaction:
- Posting rule in the SAP System.
- Currency of the check.
FEBSCSA-ESBTR_M> Total of all amounts:
- Amount total of all checks.
- The program checks whether the imported checks match this value.
- If you do not make an entry in this field, the program does not check
the total. FEBSCSA-ANZES> Number of checks
- The program checks the number of checks imported against the number
entered here.
- If you do not make an entry, the program does not check the number of
checks. As long as no entries are made in them, all the fields, exceptESBTR_M> and ANZES>, in the structure are entered asprogram parameters when the data is imported into the SAP System.Memo Record FEBSCSB-GRPNR> Bundle number for 2nd processing
- If you choose this field, the subledger postings are sorted by this
criterion and a separate batch input session is created for each. FEBSCSB-AGBUK> Alternative company code:
- This field specifies the company code in which open items should be
cleared (items are selected via the clearing records).
- You only fill this field if the company code is different from the
house bank account company code. After importing the data, you can manually postprocess it.Clearing record FEBSCSC-AGKON> Customer number:
- In this field, you can enter the customer number in the SAP system
directly or as a matchcode (=D.ABCD).
- When selecting via document number or reference document number, you
have the option of making an entry in this field.
- When importing the data, the program can try to determine the customer
number via the bank details stored in the system.
- The current version of the program only reads the first 10 characters
of the field. FEBSCSC-SELFD> Field name:
- This is the name of the field the program should use to select open
items from the document database.
- You can make the following entries:
'BELNR' document number (char 10) 'BLDAT' document date 'BUDAT' posting date 'DEPOT' securities account name (char 10) 'REBZG' invoice reference (char 10) 'VALUT' value date 'VBEWA' transaction type (char 4) 'VERTN' contract number (char 13) 'WRBTR' amount 'XBLNR' reference document number (char 16) 'ZUONR' allocation number (char 18) FEBSCSC-SELVON> Search criteria:
- This is the value for the which the program searches.
After importing the data, you can manually postprocess it.