SAP Program RFEBNO00 - Convert Norwegian Bank Statement to MultiCash Format


Program &REPORT& converts Norwegian bank statements to Multicashformat. Formats supported include:

  • OCR Giro from Bankenes BetalingsSentral (BBS)

  • Postal Giro from post office banks

  • DATADIALOG from post office banks

  • Depending on the option you select, this program reads input data fromeither the PC or the file system, and generates two files in Multicashformat. The statement file contains information about thestatements, such as statement number, old balance, new balance,currency, and bank account number. The line item file containsthe individual transactions on the statement.
    RESET N1

    Additional General Functions
    To import generated Multicash files, you should use the standardprogram &MULTIC_REP&. For more information see the documentation onthis program.
    Import bank statement: Multicash, SWIFT_MT940.

    Notes on Configuration
    Program RFEBNO00 uses the standard configuration of electronic bankstatements. To this end, you must assign the matching externaltransaction "NO" to each of your accounts at the post office bank.(Execute function). The appropriatepostings rules are already defined for this transaction, provided youwork with the payment request number on the vendor side (see paymentmethod) and with payment reference KID on the customerside. You also need to create G/L accounts for cash inflows andoutflows (Execute function); store the accounts underthe appropriate symbols (Execute function)
    For more information on the electronic bank statement configuration seethe Implementation Guide.
    Specifications for electronic bank statement

    Allocating Banks to Transaction Types
    Using transaction types that are freely definable, you can combine thebank accounts in which the same external transactions are made. To dothis, you must allocate a transaction type to each house bank accountyou use. This bundling reduces the number of entries in the "Allocateexternal transactions to internal transactions" table. Default settingsare already in place for the standard business processes in cashinflows and outflows.
    House Bank and House Bank Accounts
    You can only define a bank account in a company code. You must specifythe bank account currency since some banks use the same account numbersand only the currency key can differentiate these accounts. You mustalso define the G/L account to post to for each bank account.
    Enter the 4 character key used in Norway in the Bank key field.This specification is necessary for postal giro account data.
    Generating Multicash Files
    Multicash files cannot be generated in the following situations:

    • The bank account number in the data carrier cannot be uniquely
    • allocated to a house bank.
      • The calculated total digits do not match the total digits in the file
      • (does not apply to DATALOG format).
        Posting Currency
        The posting currency for a statement is specified as follows. If youmaintained the currency code of the house bank account (T012K-WAERSfield), the system specifies it as the currency for each posting.Otherwise, the system uses the ISO code for the Norwegian krone (NOK)as the transaction currency.

        Selection Screen
        RESET N1
        The bank format you want to load
        The four character key of the house bank from which you have obtainedthe file.
        A checkbox which determines that the source file exists on your localPC. If you do not check this box, the system looks for the file in thestandard directory on your application server.
        The name of your source file. Input help is available for PC files.Note that, in the case of DATADIALOG format, a file can be successfullyloaded and converted only once. The system rejects any attemptedrepeat, except in simulation mode.
        A checkbox, stipulating that the target files be written to your localPC.
        The name of your statement file. The rules on input help and namingconventions used for the source file also apply here.
        The name of your line item file. The rules on input help and namingconventions used for the source file also apply here.
        A checkbox which triggers automatic start for the &MULTIC_REP& program.
        The name of the variant you want to use when &MULTIC_REP& is started.Note that, in the selection screen for program RFEBKA00, you must enterKR0000000000 and KR9999999999 in the XBLNR number interval fields, sothat all payment requests are included. In the case of paymentreference KID, enter a purely numerical interval only. The smaller theinterval, the narrower the program search range.
        When you access program &MULTIC_REP&, the system automatically fillsthe following parameters with current values. Therefore, you do notmaintain them when defining the variant.

        • Statement file

        • Line item file

        • Format 'M'

        • PC upload
        • Execution
          To start the program, choose "Execute" or, if this is a simulation run(DATADIALOG format only), by choosing "Simulation". A simulation rungenerates list output, but does not generated bank statement files.Unlike production runs, simulation runs can be carried out as often asyou like.

          In the case of the DATADIALOG format, the program generates a list ofthe files loaded. Files which represent payment order receiptconfirmations or stop transactions are supported, along with bankstatement files. The list contains the underlying document data, plusany error messages from the bank. In the case of payment order receiptconfirmations, you can reverse the payment order where errors haveoccurred; to do this, select the relevant line and choose "Deletepayment order".

106121Electronic bank statement formats