SAP Program RFEBKATX - Test Tool RFEBKATX: Create Open Items and Bank Statement Files

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RFEBKATX: An Implementation Tool for the Electronic Bank Statement

This program is designed to help you help you make the customizingsettings required when you implement the electronic bank statement andto give you a feel for the options available in the electronic bankstatement.
The electronic bank statement is used to, among other things, effectautomatic assignment of payments into and out of house bank accounts(bank transfers, checks, and so on) to the relevant open items, whichare already entered in the system in customer, vendor, or clearingaccounts, and to clear these open items if possible.
The implementation phase, particularly customizing, mostly throws uptwo main obstacles to quick, efficient implementation:
Creating the bank statement files UMSATZ.TXT and AUSZUG.TXT is verydifficult. Experience has shown that many implementation errors arisefrom format errors in these files. Using actual files from the bank isalso difficult as these are mostly very big.
The open items to be found and cleared using the bank statement mustusually be entered into the (test) system manually. This informationmust also be available in the individual figures from the fileUMSATZ.TXT in the right place.
You can use program RFEBKATX to create open items in a company code andthe related (MULTICASH) bank statement files for a house bank accountin this company code. You can import these directly using programRFEBKA00 and so test your customizing settings and the generalfunctions in program RFEBKA00.
You must create a house bank account, for which the bank statements areto be generated, in your company code.
Remember to maintain the G/L account (such as 113100) in the house bankmaster record.
Create/maintain house bank account
Create the customers for whom you want to create open items in thiscompany code.
Create customer
Create a substitute account for the postings which lead to the creationof open items in customer accounts. The number of this G/L account mustbe the same as that of the G/L account for the house bank account,except that the last two digits must be replaced with "19".f die
G/L account: 113100
Substitute account: 113119
Create G/L account
Running test program RFEBKATX creates a payment on account labeled"Customer to substitute account" for the purpose of creating opencustomer items. From the point of view of accounting for invoicepostings to a customer account, this is not correct (-> revenueaccount).
However, the correct update of customer invoices in revenue accounts isnot the object of this program, which you should only use in your testsystems.
To generate open items in clearing accounts, you must create G/Laccounts for these clearing accounts. The rule is similar to thatapplying to substitute accounts, so that the end figures are asfollows:
Outgoing checks: '01' (in our example: 113101)
Incoming checks: '08' (in our example: 113108)
Cash out: '09' (in our example: 113109)
Set the open item management and line item display indicators in themaster data for these accounts.
Create G/L account
Business Transaction Keys
The following business transaction keys are used in the bank statementfile:
Bank transfer credit memo: 051
Outgoing check: 001
Incoming check: 070
Debit memo presentation: 071
You must use these transaction keys in customizing for the electronicbank statement.
Program Settings
You can enter the following settings in the RFEBKATX selection screen:
File specifications: Here, you can determine whether the thefiles to be produced should be stored in the application orpresentation server (PC) and stipulate the name and path for the files.
Account details: Here, you can determine the company code, housebank, and house bank accounts for which the open items and statementfiles are to be generated.
Statement data: Here, you can determine the statement date andthe invoice used in generating the open items.
Posting method: Here, you can determine whether the postingtakes place wholly in background processing or whether the postingscreens should be displayed.
In the latter case, you can intervene in the posting and change thecontent of the screen fields (such as posting text and account number)or maintain required fields which the program does not automaticallysupply with data. This option is recommended if errors occur.nachliefern.
Creating Open Items - Customers - : Here, you can enter thecustomers for whom you want to create open items, and the total numberof open items to be created for all customers.
You can stipulate that the amount in the bank statmeent is one unit tosmall in the relevant account currency (-> underpayment).
You can stipulate the amount of the first open item and whether and byby how much the amount of the subsequent open items should beincreased.
You must stipulate the document type and posting key for the on-accountposting for customer open items.
You can stipulate whether a customer's bank details should appear inthe bank statement along with the bank transfer, provided you havemaintained the customer master record accordingly.
This enables the import program RFEBKA00 to identify the customer whohas made the payment.
You can stipulate whether the document number for the posting whichgenerated the open item should appear as a reference in the bankstatement.
RFEBKA00 can use this information to find the relevant open item in thesystem.
Creating Open Items - Clearing Accounts - : You can determinewhether the program is also to create open items in the clearingaccounts. To do this, you must enter a document type and the postingkeys.
Program Output
Having posted the open items and generated the two bank statementfiles, the system displays a list, showing details of the postings andopen items generated, as follows:
Account information
Details of the house bank account for which the statement files weregenerated.
Subledger postings
Here, you can see the customer for whom postings were to be made, andthe status of those postings.
G/L account postings:
Here, you can see the clearing account for which postings were to bemade, and the status of those postings.
Generated files
Here, you can see whether files were created and, if so, which ones.
Statement information
Here, you can obtain details on the banks statement generated, such asthe statement number and date, opening and closing balances, and so on.